ready for your own
High Performance Transformation

peak performance past 30
My Best Selling Book Peak Performance Past 30 shines a light on 8 major areas high performers tend to neglect when growing their businesses. This is the ultimate guide to helping you regaining a balanced lifestyle.
Get your copy shipped to you, plus instant access to bonuses - a $275 value
High performance health academy
Regain control of your health within 90 days–Join the Academy with other high performers designed to help you integrate health back into your busy life. You’ll walk away having implemented our 12 Principles of Sustainability which will allow you to create an even BIGGER impact in your business.

Problem: Physical pain and stress/anxiety
“In the last year and a half, incredible things have happened, I am no longer in physical pain with my hip, I can even run. I’m so much stronger.”
Amanda Hartz
Problem: I don't have time to prioritize my health
“As a result, I’m sitting here 145 lbs lighter, I’m happier than Ive ever been, my wife and I are happier than we ever have been.”
Jon Young
Problem: Feeling overwhelmed
and unmotivated
“At this point I’ve lost about 60 lbs, I’m sleeping better, and I’m more focused and feeling good. Feeling more like a can-do person.”
margie Young

One-on-one coaching
If you are already in good shape and making a big impact, or you work best with direct coaching and you just really want to scale your business, income, and impact to the next level, this may be the best option for you.
I only work with 5 high achievers each year at this level, so I’m only accepting applications for (1) spots at this time. This isn’t some scarcity tactic, it’s just the truth! I’m already working with a few others but if you’re ready to invest at a high level and scale your health and impact even faster, click the button below to complete a quick application to see if we are a good fit to work together.
Problem: I'm a musician and want to take my stage performance to a whole new level

“Thanks for always keeping it and me, 100%”
Brian hughes
Problem: I've lived with poor health for so many years... What's the use of starting now?

“He’s forever helped me to change my life and now I’ve began my own fitness career.”
tammy smith
Problem: Injury & prioritizing my health

“In three months I dropped 20lbs, reduced my body fat by 10% and my back hasn’t felt this good since before that accident!”
chris gillete